The wedding was in Oxford, NY, which is southwest of Syracuse by about an hour and forty minutes. Oxford is a small town with some great scenery and good people. Darren's father owns a nice plot of land called "Golden Acres," which is complete with a beautiful rolling hill, a big pond, and some apple trees that I'm guessing were part of an orchard at one time. The ceremony took place in front of one of the trees and the reception was in a big tent. For those who like a nice drive through the countryside, I recommend exploring the area.
Right up until the wedding the weather was uncertain. Big dark rainclouds came in during the morning and forced the wedding crew to get everything inside. But then, moments before the ceremony was to start, the clouds and sprinkles gave way to a beautiful day. Everything was moved back outside and thankfully it stayed beautiful during the ceremony. The lighting ended up really being great and I got a lot of shots I'm really happy with. Please allow me to share a few of them with you.
some of the pictures got cut off by this comment box, but they were nice I love the one on the bottom and the one of the pond.