The flight from Rochester left at 6am. The sun hadn't risen yet on the ground, but as we got above the clouds a yellow glow lit the eastern sky. From the airplane's window I could see no land. Instead there was a world of clouds. It was an entire landscape of rolling blue clouds for as far as I could see. And on the horizon there appeared to be far off mountains made of clouds. I spend at least a half hour staring out the window, watching with wonder, and feeling like it was a spiritual or even magical scene. As the sun rose its warm light touched the tops of the tallest clouds. It was like a blue sea with dashes of red. And as the sun rose higher the blue clouds began to change to white. When the seat-buckle light went off I get my camera out and was able to take some photos. It was still beautiful, but by then the magical scene had changed. I will forever wish I had been able to photograph that special ethereal world.

I will try to make posts on here when I can to share with you some of the adventures we have. Please follow along and hopefully we will be able to show you some of the beauty that we find in prairie and the mountains.
I have never been on a plane BUT that makes me wanna go on so I can see some of what you just saw! I say you could be a writter also!